The Best Big Brother

Sep 7th, 2016 Kid Stuff

A few weeks ago, I read “The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls” by Claire Legrand. I really enjoyed it, despite some disturbing parts–which were Finley’s favorite. For days after we finished, Finley asked me again and again to read the “Lobby” scene, which was one of the most frightening scenes in the book. Since this is the boy who thinks Rescue Bots is on…

Hangin’ With Doc Holliday

Apr 22nd, 2016 Kid Stuff

We made an impromptu trip to the mountains a couple weekends ago. It was still in the grueling weeks of Busy Season, but after leaving the office Saturday, I decided we needed to run around in giant hamster balls and relax in the hot springs. The hamster balls we accomplished in Frisco thanks to a present Amy gave me for my birthday. It helped me appreciate…

Kella, Art, and my Fragile Self Esteem

Apr 6th, 2016 Uncategorized

I’ve decided that we have daughters to boost our self esteem, at least while they’re young. Or better put, daughters are designed to boost our self esteem in their early years so they have a bigger target to hit when they’re teenagers. The examples I can give of Kella are numerous, but I just want to focus on one today. My drawing abilities. No one…

Why Toy Companies Use Ridiculous Sexist Ways To Target Kids

Jun 24th, 2015 Kid Stuff

I’ve been considering this post for a while, but every time I’ve tried to write it, I get distracted and run off on a tangent. Unlike tax and economics, I have a hard time focusing on cultural debate. This one, though, seemed like one no one else has address. At least not in a way I like. So let’s talk sexist kid toys.