Emergence (The Rise of House Iax) – A YA Self Pub Review

When I started reading Emergence (The Rise of House Iax) by Chad Hench, I was in the hospital. Every tenth page the Kindle app would get stuck between two pages, forcing me to restart the app while I growled in rage. All this during busy season, with the world tumbling down around me and the Dungeon Master of the Universe smiling down with sinister eyes, daring…

The Dragon’s Eye Crystal — A MG Self Pub Review

While I was reading this latest Self Pub book, I had a realization: I’ve never read a book set in Canada. I’ve read books in Canada, I’ve read books aboot Canadians, I’ve watched movies based on books that are filmed in Canada but pretend to be somewhere else. Just never any books that actually take place in America’s Northern Neighbor. That changed when I read…